Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I'm starting this blog because...

...for years I've been told, by people I respect, that keeping a journal would help.
...I've bought too many notebooks, scribbled and filled a few pages, with good intention, and then abandoned them like the kid with the Velveteen Rabbit. They're around here somewhere.
...it's hard to doodle on a keyboard, and if I have a pencil I'm probably drawing cartoons.
...medically, it would be good documentation.
...I want something to leave behind.
...I feel a bit of an obligation to open up and give out what's inside me - the light and dark parts.
...my ego needs feedback and encouragement
...I need to speak frankly about my life's struggles and joys.

...I have something to say.

So, if you are coming along for the ride, be forewarned: it may get rough, but you might find you like it that way.

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