Thursday, October 28, 2010

Zombies and Lyrica Day 3.

I was able to get up at a proper time today, but same situation. Excessive sluggish/sleepiness and nightmares remembered. Now, these were about zombie apocalypse, so it was kinda fun for me. In my dreams, I'm a zombie-fighting bad ass. I can do all the things I can't do in real life; ie. stand or walk for any significant length of time, run, punch or kick through walls and doors...etc. Still, when it gets to the point where I'm surrounded by zombies in an enclosed space and there's nothing I can do, certain death awaits; that is a dream that screws with your head. I don't know if that was proper use of a semi-colon. I need to take English 101, again.

Well, now that I'm up for about an hour, I'm decided less sleepy. I'm unsure of whether or not my pain levels are decreased. I'm always having at least an hour of waking stiffness. Right now my lower back aches, and that radiates all the way up to my neck and down into my thighs. No, pins and needles or burning pain at present, but I don't have that 24/7, so I can't really say I've noticed a significant change in pain levels yet. My feet are less swollen today, which is good. They swell up so much sometimes that it literally feels like they will explode. In case you've never experienced effin' hurts.

Husband is going to see Bad Brains tonight without me. We're on the broke side, and as ridiculous as it might seem, BB is just one band I've never synched with, and it's not for lack of trying. It doesn't make sense to me, either, just is. So, George gets to go see one of his favorite bands, and I get my laundry done for me.  It's a win-win.

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