Tuesday, November 23, 2010

May 29, 2008 - I really don't remember what this is about.

My Time’s A-Coming.watching Little Women
wishing for Strawberry soda
while questions that remain unanswered
pirouette and leap in my mind.
dancing for their supper,
dancing for resolution

patience, that virtue I'll never posess
dangling carrots
one red
one blue
both so alluring...

ah, but, I know my path
is one step at a time
thinking I CAN

concentrating sorrows,
and pain
into the black sea
of my hair

the waves crash
against my face
now I shall be resolved
to seldom grant
them entrance
that I may
grow out of this
residual grief

and shed these concrete shoes.

try holding me back,
try weighing me down,
and I will cut you loose
like a sandbag.

maybe answers will bubble up
like beverly hillbilly crude

I'll munch on purple carrot cake
washed down with Dr. Pepper
and take a hot-air balloon
to visit my sister.

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