Monday, November 1, 2010

Post Halloween.

We watched the first episode of AMC's "The Walking Dead" last night, and I don't think I've ever been quite so impressed and excited about a TV show. It's like they had me in mind when they were making it. This one's for Wendy. I described my feelings about the show to my husband something like this:

It's like you have an apple. It's your favorite kind of apple, and you've had to wait through seasons for it. The flesh looks perfect, it has a nice solid feel, no bruising. You've just washed it, and are ready to take a bite. You're already anticipating the texture and taste. Then, you take a bite, and it is crisp and that longed for tangy sweet. You have to suck the juices into your mouth, lest they dribble down your chin, it's that ripe.
You've got yourself a good apple. It's rare and you savor every last bit, nibbling down to the core.

"The Walking Dead" is a good apple in a sea of bad ones. Who wants a bad apple?

I don't like to spoil anything, so I won't...although I really want to this time.

I felt pretty good yesterday. Got some exercise wheeling myself around the bead show.  Saw lots of pretty things, and came home with lots of crystals and gemstones (red aventurine roses, kambaba jasper, picture jasper, red striped agate, botwana agate, black lace agate dyed bright blue, sesame jasper) and also some brightly colored skulls for Day of the Dead jewelry. One vendor had silver wire, and it was a GREAT price. If it weren't the end of the month and I weren't so broke, I woulda bought some. I'd really like to move into concentrating on sterling silver wire jewelry, but I don't really have the bankroll for that. I'm hoping to do a show in a couple of weeks, and perhaps I can use a portion of those sales to go to production. If I do well, I could be sitting on several hundred dollars. Eventually, I want to save enough of that money up to go to Georgia and visit my folks and siblings and friends. I'd like to renew vows there, because so many of my friends didn't make it to the wedding. However, if I don't do as well and only bring in about $300, I'm getting a PS3. Haha. I want one sooooo bad, for blu-ray and zombie killing reasons. I don't think Dead Rising 2 is coming out on the Wii....and it looks so amazing. So, I've got to get busy making jewelry.

I'm not sure about posting photos of my jewelry here, so you can vote about that in the comments, if you are reading this.


Well, obviously, Lyrica is no longer making me as sleepy as in the beginning. Last night, I was hurting almost to the point where I'd normally take a pain pill if I had them, but I didn't actually have to go there. So, maybe there's a slight difference? Maybe I was a 6-7 where I'd otherwise be a 7-8? Maybe? I can't be sure. I need more time. Every day is a different struggle. I never know where or when I'm going to hurt. Or if I'll be dizzy, or slug-like, or confused. 

That sounds depressing, but it's just the truth. Fact is fact.

Fact is, I'm actually quite happy despite it all.

1 comment:

  1. I just watched the second episode I had taped last night, and I am absolutely loving TWD! I'll admit, I cried when the father of the young boy went upstairs to try and off his zombie wife.. Following you!
