Wednesday, November 24, 2010

One of these was published...

Mar 19, 2007

Though thy colour recalls,
sick urine...
thy tangy-sweetness
draw me in.

Oh, that I might multiply thee,
like Jesus
with the bread and herring.

Guard thee,
day and night,
for though there be a-plenty...
Thou, Apple Juice, are not for sharing.

Mar 18, 2007

Standing and singing,
with arms around shoulders,
and fists in the air,
and tipsy teetering.
ears bleeding,
deep in the heart.

My envy churns,
here, sidestage,
where they give too much space,
and don't know the words.

Oct 25, 2006
A Bit of Gratitude.
Skinny, little Cinderella,
Tiny dancer,
Perrenial smiles
sunshining out my shadow.

Envy wielded caustic words.
Punched, bit, kicked...
but, secretly, I was always on your side.

You are my advocate.
My therapist.
My confidant,
my friend.

I am a worm,
baking on the sidewalk
after a rainstorm.
You pick me up,
tell me I'm beautiful,
and return me
to the safe,
Oct 12, 2006

you gotta do
what no one else understands.

Simply so that
can have

you gotta say shit
that only you think is funny.

Simply so that
Art and Blather.

Aug 22, 2006

I am self-absorbed.
I am an introvert.
Gotta stay on my tiptoes.
Wary of the eggshells...
Wary of the eggshells.

I've had vacations.
Tropical paradise.
Floating in the water,
on hot, summer nights.

Flip. Switch. Back.

All the things I've left undone.
All the things I can't remember.
All the things I want to forget...
taking turn to ridicule.
My back against the brick at recess.
The stares.
The names.

They say to laugh it off...
(because it's oh so funny).
They tell you it will stop if you ignore...
(and it hurts so much, that for a time you believe with all your heart).

But, it never stops.

You grow older,
and you are still on the outside...
peekin' in.

Survival is-
juggling flaming torches
on a unicycle...
balanced on a tightrope
above a shark tank-
whistling Dixie.

Aug 7, 2006

Deja vu yields nausea.
I remember what I said to you.
I may be crazy, but I'm not stupid.

I loathe who I was when I ran with your blind multitude.
Or rather who I tried to be.
Fleeting glimpse then I cannot shake and..
I want to claw out my own lobotomy.

I hate you.
I hate you.
I hate you.
I hate you.
I hate you.
I hate you.
I hate you.
I hate you.
I hate you.





Be bruised, wounded and afflicted.

Be fruitless, and divide.

Pestilence on the crops of your pseudo-good deeds.

No treasures laid up.

No great and mighty things.
You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry
5:30 am...thoughts...a bit unfinished.
Still, I'd Rather Have This Than Silence.
Ode to the Most Delicious of Juices

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